Sunday 6 March 2011

Sorry about that.

I'm sorry about the lack of posts, I've been away for a few days on a "business trip". Investigations will resume tomorrow.
Oh, and I've been having a recurring dream about some pretty weird stuff. I've managed to remember it all after having the same dream 3 times in a row.
It starts in the same room, every time, and I'm looking at someone strapped to a chair. He looks around calmly, even though he's bleeding and has his arms, legs and chest tied with belts. His eyes sweep the room, then suddenly he looks towards where I'm viewing this from and there's a flash of light.
I always wake up in a sweat, and I can remember the dream almost in its entirety. Apart from what the man looks like.
I hope it doesn't happen again tonight...

Thursday 3 March 2011

Day 3

I knocked on the door today. No-one answered, just as I expected. I had a look around, closer at the house, and managed to sneak a peak through the front window's curtains. I just saw a huge mirror, and dirty old furniture.
I still have no idea about that damn flashing light though...


I heard quite a few bangs last night, outside on the street. I opened my window to check what was up, but I couldn't see anything. It's probably just some kids messing around, we get that a lot around here.
I should really stop thinking about that house, I keep losing track at work and thinking about what could be inside.
Just like now...

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Day 2: A description of the house

Well, I had a good look at the house today on the way back from work, and I've taken some notes:

  • The flickering light (it's still flickering) is on the top floor, on the left.
  • It looks like a Victorian house, in keeping with all the others on the road. 
  • It has 3 stories, 2 large windows on the first two floors and a balcony at the top. 
  • All of it is clean and crisp, as if someone is keeping it clean, however the curtains are all closed, but for the one at the top left of the house, which is slightly open. 

The strange thing about this house is that it seems to be as good as new, yet also completely uninhabited as well. I haven't seen anyone going in or out of the house, as I said yesterday, and the cars parked in front belong to other houses, as far as I know.
I've checked the front garden, and it simply looks like a normal garden. In fact everything about the house is normal but for the curtains and the flickering light. Tomorrow I'm going to knock on the door, and see if anyone answers.
If anyone has any ideas or anything about this house, please get in contact, I'm really curious, and I want to find out what's wrong with that light. It's been bugging me all day.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Day 1: What this is all about

(Apologies to others who started following my blog, I was advised to hide the address in case of possible problems with the owners of the house etc. That is, of course, if the house has an owner...) 

(Original post from last blog)
I've started this because I needed to get some thoughts down. I've spent the last few weeks thinking about a house down the road from me, and how it confuses me. I've never seen anyone going in or out of the house, and I have never seen any cars parked outside that seem to belong to the house.
What's more is that there's just one flickering light on inside, which I can see through one of the curtains. It doesn't change, it's just flickering, all the time. As far back as I can remember that light has flickered, and I just can't remember seeing it any differently. It hasn't died, the light is simply flickering randomly, all the time.
I'm confused, and I need to find out what's happening...
Expect updates etc. every day, I'm not going to stop looking.